There's been quite a bit of buzz lately here in Detroit over urban farming, urban gardens, community gardens, locally-grown organic food, sustainable cuisine, and an all-encompassing push towards all things green. These are things you've most likely heard about already; what you perhaps have not heard about are the growing number of advocacy groups and businesses dedicated entirely to the growth, awareness, and promotion of such urban agricultural endeavors. These are people that have chosen local organics as a lifestyle, not just to support local farmers but because it is healthier, it tastes better, and really--all the cool kids are doing it. The call is for a shunning of highly processed food products not meant to be consumed by the human body and a return to nature.
Enter Indi Edibles, a Detroit-based video production business which is focused entirely on promoting urban farming, better health through organic foods, and the advocacy group G.U.R.U. (Growing Urban Renewal Underway). They produce how-to videos for people to learn more about growing their own food, as well as videos documenting the progress of various urban farms and any number of other similarly-minded projects. Their website also boasts a blog, a forum, a store, links to music selected by the IE family (and music by some of the IE family), a variety of useful links to other resources, as well as pictures of the IE family members (I suspect you'll see a lot of familiar faces, or at least recognize names such as Frank Raines, Funk Night DJ). $5.00/month gets you access to all of their videos and keeps you in the loop with all of the continued growth and progress of Detroit's urban farming/greening scene. Their studio is even located inside the Russell Industrial Center, keeping it all homegrown.