Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reopening: Cafe Con Leche

Southwest Detroit's popular Cafe Con Leche, once a part of the multi-million-dollar failed Mexicantown Mercado project (and I certainly don't think it's a stretch to blame the ubiquitous "Gateway Project," which has effectively shut off Mexicantown from suburban tourist traffic save for those savvy enough to figure out that all one needs to do is drive down Michigan Ave. and take any one of the many sidestreets between the train station and Junction right smack-dab into the heart of it--my favorite is Vinewood, because then you're right at Amicci's Pizza), has reopened in its new location at 4200 W. Vernor at Scotten. They are open at 7:00AM Monday-Friday and 10:00AM Saturday. Previously they played host to a variety of musical acts every Friday night, as well as poetry readings and open mics, a tradition I hope they maintain. Plus, where else can one get some good coffee around here? (...just kidding...)