I would like to thank the news for respectfully observing the holiday and being entirely un-news. It was the hottest, wettest, sweatiest week of the year so far and many had to suffer through it without power; the only consolation was that it was a holiday week and most of us spent it in various states of drunkenness anyway. Which is really the only appropriate way to deal with such foul heat.
Seriously though, it was hot.
Really hot. [Deadline Detroit / The Oracles of Facebook]
Brew Jus's space inside the Rust Belt Market has officially been approved, which means you can escape the unholy heat this weekend and suck down some saucy sliders in the comfort of indoor air conditioning. Provided
Ferndale doesn't black out again. [Brew Jus FB / Ferndale Patch]

For the record,
in an unofficial Facebook poll "brewery" won and I was the first to suggest it. Also all the bloggers pretty much phoned it in this week. [Curbed Detroit]
Part-time Michigander Famous Person Mario Batali makes bologna. [MLive]
Eastern Market opens on Tuesdays once again starting next week. For real though guys, it's, like, fucking ridiculous outside. [Eastern Market Corporation]

Goose Island doesn't suck. (Well, not all of its labels anyway.) And one of those that do not suck is the Bourbon County Brand Stout.
Of which there will be more than twice as much available this year. In this regard I am thankful for Anheuser-Busch's acquisition of the brand. Much as I am thankful for air conditioning. [Beer Pulse]
July is officially Michigan Craft Beer Month. [Michigan Brewers Guild]

Aw hell, why not: let's hear it for corporations!!!
Buffalo Wild Wings is selling official Michigan Brewers Guild commemorative glasses for Michigan Craft Beer Month all this month for only $4. [BW3]
Bell's gets into the wine biz. Sorry guys, I told you it was gonna be a slow news week. [Beer Pulse]

GLCRCB, IFAD, "the Institute" ...
call it whatever you want (just don't call it Shirley ... GET IT???), it's now open day and night for all your advanced (even intermediate) drinking needs. This place makes me hate Midtown way less. [Curbed Detroit]
In which the acronym MFPIC@D is coined. The name really is that awful. [Deadline Detroit]
The Wall Street Journal takes an interest in the Hantz Farm debacle. Apparently it was a slow news week for everyone. [WSJ]
And here's more about Corridor Sausage's new home. With photos! [Curbed Detroit]